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2018-08-02 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– Aug. 2, 2018 – 9 AM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan.

Recruiting for FSC II – 9:04 AM  Meeting called to order. Short discussion of whether the Board wanted vote to add a firefighter to Facilities Steering Committee, phase 2 or hold off for now.~ Decision was delayed.

Action - Edie made a motion: to appoint Ms. Noelani Chase--for a term through December 31st--to the Facilities Steering Committee, Phase II, contingent upon a written determination from the State Ethics Commission regarding any potential conflicts to be aware of, being sworn in, the completion of the Open Meeting law and Municipal Ethics requirements as well as the return of a signed copy of receipt of the Town of Princeton’s Sexual Harassment Policy.. Karen seconded. All voted in favor.

Communications – Group discussed the next communication from the Selectboard (SB) to residents. It was decided that it would be an introductory message discussing the role of SB and town administrator, open meeting law and its challenges, SB's communication policy, and SB goals. The message will go out after goal setting is complete. Karen volunteered to draft the initial document for discussion at an upcoming meeting.

Public Comment - Kathy Conway was at the meeting and asked a couple of questions. She wanted to understand better what option 2 in prior SB communication was. She also said that it wasn't clear which option the SB had chosen to go with. Rich explained option 2 but also explained that SB went with option 4 as mentioned in following paragraph. Kathy also didn't understand why SB wouldn't respond to questions on Nextdoor. Karen explained that it violated open meeting law and SB couldn't and wouldn't respond.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50.

Adjourn 9:50 PM

Respectfully submitted, Karen Cruise, Selectboard member

S.B. Referenced Documents:  FSC Options 1 - 4